Wednesday 18 June 2008

UFO Critic - An Introduction

Do UFOs exist? The implications are huge if they do. If they don't, what's kept this "myth" going for over sixty years, possibly longer?

The fact is, most UFO sightings can be explained; the majority in fact. Britain's Ministry of Defence constructed a chart showing how films have had a direct impact on the number of UFO sightings. Around 1977, the year that "Close Encounters Of The Third Kind" was released, there was an abnormal amount of UFO sightings - coincidence? I think not.

Don't get me wrong though. There are just too many UFO sightings and too many credible witnesses for me to dismiss the whole subject.
I have seen a UFO too. Unfortunately I have no evidence, just my story. However, that's all it took... I know there is something out there; whether it was some sort of bizarre weather condition, one of Britain's black projects or an undiscovered form of energy - I know there is something more to this subject than swamp gas and weather balloons.

Conversely, the same MoD admitted in a more recent report that UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) does exist. As you see, there are always two sides to the story in this subject. Nothing is what it seems.

So what's the idea behind this new UFO blog? In a nutshell, it's me trying to sort the wheat from the chaff. Search google for "UFO news" - most UFO websites report on anything and everything, no matter how ludicrous or absurd it may be, some even miss out the more credible stories in favour for something more "exciting".

I hope to put an end to misidentifications, to expose the hoaxes and investigate the reports that actually deserve my time.

1 comment:

keith said...

I guess its the sign of the times . people would prefer to believe in distorted recollections and hoax's instead of honest science.go to any crack pot website that caters to those who need or wish to believe at any cost and you'll find people lined up at the door.sadly honest and serious websites like yours attracts few. i prefer the truth...whatever that may be! not stories ,myths and out and out lies.