Wednesday 18 June 2008

The Return Of "Prophet Yahweh"

Consider this post a test run - a taste of what is to come.

Ramon Watkins, who goes by the name "Prophet Yahweh" emerged some years ago, claiming that he could summon UFOs on command. Apparently he has been a part of the UFO field since 1996, however I personally recall hearing about him for the first time in 2005.

Watkins lives in Las Vegas. He claims to have summoned 1,500 UFOs and counting. Apparently the old testament taught him how to summon them, he claims that the "UFOs" are a product of Yahweh.

Let's take you back to May 2005. Channel 13 Action News brought Prophet Yahweh's fantastic story to the masses. They sent a reporter to validate his claim - the news channel picked the time, location and date. Yahweh began to pray and sure enough something appeared in the sky. It was all captured on camera.

The object appears to glow, it looks self-luminous. The reporter noted, "It's bright". It moves across the sky in a uniform manner, not making any extreme movement.
Suddenly Watkins says the object is moving towards Nellis Air Force Base, "it wants to be seen" he said. However, the object then makes a turn in the opposite direction - clearly "Prophet Yahweh" was incorrect - the object had no intention of travelling to the base.

The object continued to glide across the sky before dissapearing. This point was not shown on camera. Watkins exclamined that the "UFO" had "gone back up into space".
Are we left to assume that the "UFO" literally dissapeared? Here's my theory - I think the object was nothing more than a weather balloon.

I assume that the news channel made no effort to check Watkins for communication devices. This is absolutely crucial. It would have been too easy for Watkins to discretely send a message to a friend, instructing him when to release a weather balloon. The helium-filled balloon would rise into the air and would drift into view, being carried naturally by wind currents. Who knows, it could have been there longer than the camera crew realised - they only began to "scan the skies" once Watkins had completed his prayer.

What about the object dissapearing? The higher you are, the greater the pressure. A balloon filled with helium will continue to rise until it simply pops under pressure. It's that simple.

Watkins claims that he receives "telepathic messages" and instructions from Yahweh and the "space beings". When the "UFO" appears to move towards Nellis AFB he exclaims it has a purpose - "to be seen". However, as it turns around and heads away from the base (I assume drifting onto another wind current) it becomes evident that the "prophet" has no idea where the object is going to go. So much for "telepathic messages"...

The only piece of evidence we have is a video from the camera crew. I have no doubt the video is genuine, but that doesn't make the object on camera anything unusual. The "UFO" is tiny and distant, several times it dissapears into the clouds - it is thousands of feet high.
The only tangible piece of evidence we have shows an ambiguous white blob.

Look at the image to the above. The first image shows Watkin's alleged UFO, the second shows a white weather balloon. They are practically identical - both have a slightly oval shape, even the shadow at the base of the balloon looks similar object's shadow.~
These photos are even more damning - the National Weather Service Forcast Office's pictures of a weather balloon in the sky look identical to Prophet Yahweh's "UFO".

What about the strange glow? I think it is simply an illusion caused by the sunlight reflecting off the bright white surface of the balloon. Take a look at this photo of a plane. The sunlight is bouncing off the plane's body, the reflection is bright enough to create a red band on the image - some sort of lense flare I assume.

"Prophet Yahweh" later stated that a huge spacecraft would hover over Las Vegas on July 15 2005. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Did Watkins deliver?
Unfortunately not, as most people predicted, no spacecraft was seen. Watkins dissapeared off the scene. His website remained online, but nothing was said or done. For most, it was the final nail in the coffin.

However, he's back. In a recent video, "Prophet Yahweh" claims that he will summon another UFO for all to see. He recently stated it will land in the desert, "two-and-a-half hours away from Las Vegas". He added, "They want us to film all around the spaceship, we're going to film it as it lifts up off the ground..."

UFO TV news - Report 1
UFO TV News - Report 2 - Desert Landing Spot

The first video also contained footage taken by the "prophet" of a "cigar-shaped UFO". It's embarrassingly bad, and I believe it to show nothing more than a commercial aircraft.

The original clip was soon replaced with another version. In the original one could see the tail of the plane, however the new version fades out before the tail is visible but you can still hear the aircraft's engines towards the end.

Will Watkin's deliver? Will a spaceship really touch down in the desert for all to see? From what we've already seen, I seriously doubt it!


ufo news said...

That should be really amazing. Proofs of UFOs sighting are spread out all over the world. One day, we could just bump into them and would discover more life on the outer space.

anonymous said...

I have summoned these balls light in Sydney 5 yrs no idea how it work, same as Robert Bingham